Child Custody Lawyers for Fathers in Pennsylvania
Tibbott & Richardson
“A Reputation For Honesty and Genuine Care.”
We know child custody for fathers can cause disagreements and create problems that tear families apart. If you’re a dad looking to provide peace of mind for you and your children you need to speak with us, Beth Tibbott and Dana Richardson. We are the custody lawyers that will personally help you protect your future. At Tibbott & Richardson we have experience helping fathers with all types of custody issues.
- Physical Custody
- Shared, Primary, Partial and Visitation
- Legal Custody
- Sole Custody
- Joint Custody
- Child Custody Relocation
- Modifying a Custody Agreement
Answers to Common Questions About Child Custody Laws For Fathers
Below are the answers to frequently asked questions about Pennsylvania custody laws that are brought up during consultations with fathers seeking child custody orders. Click the question(s) that pertain to your situation to read the answer, then give us a call or fill out the form for a free consultation to discuss your case.
What factors does a judge consider in awarding child custody?
In PA, a family law judge will consider 16 different factors in a child custody determination including the age of the age of the child, the cooperation of the primary parent, previous abuse, stability factors such as the primary parents job, the child school environment and many more.
My custody order and children are in PA. The custodial parent wants to relocate my children to another state. Is that allowed?
It depends on a number of factors; the most weighted being whether the move is in the children’s best interests.
How can I establish paternity?
Paternity can be established if the mother agree you are the father and you both sign a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity. If the mother disputes the paternity, you will need to file a Complaint to Establish Paternity and For Genetic Testing. A certified lab will conduct the tests which normally result in 99% accuracy when positive, and you will then be considered to be the biological father by the Court.
**Don’t wait too long to establish your paternal rights. If the birth mother and child live in a positive home with a third party, and/or the birth mother marries, you will need a fathers rights attorney, as it will become harder to gain legal and physical custody rights to your child.**
We are filing for divorce and our child wants to live with me full-time. Will the court take his preference into custody determination?
It is the responsibility of the parents to agree upon custody. PA courts largely prefer a mutually agreed upon custody arrangement. If your spouse disagrees with your child’s wishes, then you may ask the court to determine custody. A judge will consider his age, maturity and reasons in weighing his desire.
“At Tibbott & Richardson, We Are Passionate About Fathers’ Rights”
Call Us Today 412-444-7171 or 814-419-6440 To Discuss Your Case
Attorney Beth Tibbott & Attorney Dana Richardson
As child custody attorneys for fathers we are passionate about the representation we provide. Our firm brings a tenacious work ethic to our practice while treating every person with the respect and honesty they deserve.
Often, worries or disputes over child custody especially for dads turns emotions on high. We understand these issues because we listen to our clients’ parental concerns. We fully explain all custody options and court proceedings so you can make decisions in your children’s best interests. Being knowledgeable and prepared alleviates a lot of anxiety when dealing with custody issues.
The stakes are high. We understand this, and we know how to proceed on your behalf so you can be confident the resulting terms of your child custody order will allow you to protect your children and move forward with your lives.
Call Pennsylvania custody lawyers Tibbott & Richardson today to schedule a confidential free initial consultation.
412-444-7171 or 814-419-6440
The Best
I hired Beth and her partner, Dana, a number of times. They were very informative and gave me all of the facts I needed to make the decision that would work best for me. They are professional, but also friendly and compassionate. I had the unfortunate experience to have my mother pass away shortly after one of our meetings. Within two hours, I had received a very sincere condolence call from both Beth and Dana. They could have sent a note, but they took time out of their busy schedule to make the call and offer their sympathies. It meant more to me than I can say. I have worked with other lawyers previously, but Beth and Dana will be my first choice from now on.Donna
Allegheny County
1207 Fifth Avenue, Suite 100
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Cambria County
103 S. Center St., Suite 2
Ebensburg, PA 15931
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