Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Attorney

We Know There Are Many Criminal Defense Lawyers In Pittsburgh. At Tibbott & Richardson, We Have Over a Decade of Experience Handling Criminal Defense Cases, Probably Just Like Yours.

Like Grandmaster Chess Players, We See 12 Steps Ahead. Anticipating Outcomes and Planning for Success is What We Do Best.

One Bad Mistake Shouldn't Ruin The Rest Of Your Life.

Get The Best Defense For Your Case

If you or a loved one have recently been arrested or are being investigated for a crime, odds are you’re feeling stressed, anxious, and scared. The uncertainty of what to do next when you have been accused of a criminal offense can be paralyzing—at a time when you must take immediate action. The right first step you need to take is to contact us. We provide dedicated and effective defense for our clients through every step of the process.

Why Choose Tibbot & Richardson for Your Defense?

At Tibbott & Richardson, we practice criminal defense with 3 core components in mind for every client case we take on:
  1. Tenacity
  2. Passion
  3. Results
  • Decades of Experience – We have years of criminal defense experience that is unmatched in quality and positive outcomes.
  • Dedicated Defense – We commit all of our resources and defense skills to standing up and fighting for their rights in a court of law. We are passionate about criminal defense in Pittsburgh. Our representation leaves no stone unturned and provides our clients with all strategies, options, and defenses allowed under the law.
  • Unbiased Representation – We make no personal judgments about any client we represent. We respect each client we serve. We demonstrate that respect through clear and prompt communication with our clients, and by working relentlessly on their behalf.
  • We Work With Compassion & Empathy – We have a high level of support and empathy. Our attorneys take the time to see our clients’ goals, educate them on how best to get there and give them different options. Goals may need adjusting based on the expense of their decisions.
  • No “Going Dark” – We have consistent checkpoints and communication.

Tell Us What Happened

Call (412) 690-0225 or fill out the short form below. We will usually respond within 1 business day but often do so the same day. Don’t hesitate, your questions are welcome.

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We respect your privacy. The information you provide will be used to answer your question or to schedule an appointment if requested.

Schedule Your Discovery Session

Call (412) 690-0225 or Fill Out the Form

Criminal Offenses That We Defend

All Federal Charges and State Charges

We bring the highest quality of legal representation to our clients in Pittsburgh in the areas of:

  • Firearms, such as Persons Not to Possess, Use or Manufacture, Control, Firearms Not to be Carried without a License.
  • All Drug Charges – Federal & State, including Simple Possession of a Controlled Substance, Contraband, Opioid Drug Charges, False Alarms, Escape.
  • Alcohol-related offenses, including Driving Under Suspension DUI Related, Underage Drinking, Corruption of Minors, Homicide by Vehicle While DUI, Representing a Minor is of Age.
  • Theft, such as Retail Theft, Unlawful Taking, Unauthorized Use of Automobile, Theft by Extortion, Theft of Services, Theft of Leased Property, Robbery & Burglary.
  • Internet Crimes, covering Criminal Attempt Rape, Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse, Unlawful Use of Computer, Indecent Exposure, Sexual Abuse of Children, Possession of Child Pornography.
  • Sexual Offenses, including Rape, Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse, Statutory Sexual Assault, Incest, Prostitution, Open Lewdness, Corruption of Minors, Sexual Abuse of Children, Indecent Assault.
  • Traffic/Vehicle Violations, whether it is Reckless/Careless Driving, Fleeing or Alluding Police, Homicide by Vehicle, Accident Involving Death or Personal Injury, Altered or Forged Title of Plates, Speeding, All Other Vehicle Code Infractions.
  • Additional Criminal Defense, such as Disorderly Conduct, Probation Revocation, Homicide, License Suspension, Grand Jury Testimony, Perjury, Juvenile Law, Terroristic Threats, Arson, Kidnapping, Robbery & Burglary, Criminal Mischief, Criminal Trespass, Appeals, Forgery, Credit Cards, Bad Checks.

We specialize in challenging Breathalyzer or Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) results, Reasonable Suspicion for the underlying Vehicle Stop, Probable Cause to Arrest, the Standard Field Sobriety Test, Chain of Custody, O’Connell Warnings, DL-26 issues, Miranda Warnings, Roadblocks, License Suspension, and all issues stemming from a DUI Stop.

We are proud to serve those who stand accused in Pittsburgh. Their defense needs are as unique as their specific situations; and as unique as the rules and procedures of local law enforcement, Courts of Common Pleas, and District Attorneys.

We have been defending members of these communities for well over a decade. We are natives of the areas we serve, and we stand ready to protect every client we take on with the tenacity, passion and results that they deserve.

Schedule Your Discovery Session

Call (412) 690-0225 or Fill Out the Form

What Our Clients Are Saying

Professional Accolades

Schedule Your Discovery Session

Call (412) 690-0225 or Fill Out the Form

A Serious Charge Needs a Serious Defense

Being charged with, arrested for, or accused of any crime is not only stressful but has wide-reaching consequences if your case is not resolved for the best outcome possible under the circumstances and evidence. Defense cases urgently require an experienced attorney you connect with personally, who understands your side, the law, and the system and will ensure your rights are fully preserved. Don’t wait or just hope for the best.

Our Location

Locally, clients come to us from Wexford, Sewickley, Plum, Monroeville, Ebensburg, Johnstown, Westmont, Richland, Mount Lebanon, Upper St Claire, Fox Chapel, Bethel Park, Peters Township, and throughout Pittsburgh.

What To Do Now:

We welcome your questions and want to understand your situation to help you move forward and achieve the peace of mind that comes with having everything done properly and efficiently. Call our law office at (412) 690-0225 with questions, and a description of your situation to see how we may be able to assist or schedule a Discovery Session. Or you may simply fill out the form above on this page. Your form will be directly emailed to our office, and you can expect a reply within one business day and often within hours the same day. All information you share is confidential.

Schedule Your Discovery Session

Call (412) 690-0225 or Fill Out the Form

Our Locations

Pittsburgh, PA Office

Ebensburg, PA Office